2018 - Continues Professor
Dokuz Eylul University, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi, Rekreasyon Bölümü
Evaluating the country image perceptions of international students
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of uncertainty on emotional appetite and experience in motorcycles and caravans
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The investigation of the relationship between social exchange, ethnocentrism and life satisfaction in tourism destinations
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Sa 8000 standardının hasta güvenliğiyle ilişkisi
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor), AKDOĞAN G. (Co-Advisor)
B.İPEK(Student), Postgraduate, 2021 -
Rehber eşliğinde gezmenin ziyaretçilerin müze deneyimineolan etkisinin araştırılması: Sadberk Hanım Müzesi örneği
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
C.ANDAÇ(Student), Postgraduate, 2019 -
Analysis of relationship between motivation, subjective well-being and basic psychological need satisfaction in recreational cyclists
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Evaluation of perceptions of calibration services among health workers
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Evaluating perceptions of emergency room personnel towards performance excellence
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Rekreasyon fırsat dağılımı ve planlamasında yöntem arayışları: Karaburun yarımadası örneği
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
T.CAN(Student), Doctorate, 2017 -
Analysis of the relationship among work engagement, work locus of control, passion and parasites in hotels
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Bilgi güvenliği yönetimi sistemleri, hasta güvenliği ve kalite arasındaki ilişkilerin analizi
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The analysis of service quality and loyalty in terms of internal and external customer in accommodation establishments
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
A3 process analysis
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Evaluation of points of views of medical staff over hospital, patient, patient safety and risk with the metaphor analysis
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Evalution of supply chain management of goverment and private dialiysis centers in denizli
MEVSİM V. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Analysis of relationship between authentic leadership and self-efficacy in hospitality business
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Relationship between organizational culture and the EFQM excellence model; Ministry of Health in a connected four different maternity hospital on application
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
SPA safety within the context of health
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The analysis of tourist-worker sexual relationships within critical realism
KOZAK M. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
The role of international standardization in accommodation enterprises and analysis of Turkish applications
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Analysis of the relationship between patient safety and resistance to change: assessment of perceptions of nurses' working i̇n university hospital
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Measurement of Teachers? perception on Malcolm Baldrige model of excellence
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The effect of occupational health and safety towards burnout level of nurses
GÖKMEN H. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Cross border patient mobility within the context of health tourism in the European Union
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Control and prevention of travel associated legionnaires' disease methods
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Analysis of scurity of toursit health: Aa study of thermal resorts in Turkey
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The analysis of the relationship among emotional intelligence, organizational deviance, quality of work life and intention to leave in accommodation enterprises
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
A research on the job satisfaction of administrative personnel : Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine
MUSAL B. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
The quality in healthcare organizations application; (Medical laboratory ISO 15189:2007) before and after comparison of accreditation
DOĞAN Ö. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Health enterprises, service quality health service, and evaluation by the field of health services
TAYLAN B. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
ISO 22000 food safety management system on the food and beverage companies
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Evaluation of perception of employments organizational loyalty self assesment and change management
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Healthcare workers' perceptions of self assessment model in second stage hospitals in İzmir
DUYGULU E. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Tedarikçilerin etkinliğinin veri zarflama analizi ile karşılaştırılması
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
K.CANGİR(Student), Postgraduate, 2009 -
An analysis of the relationship between quality management systems and the culture of patient safety
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Yurtdışı Pazarlara Açılmada Markalaşma ve Uluslararası Marka Yönetimi
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
E.KIRÇIN(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
Kalite Yönetim Sisteminin Kağıt Ambalaj Sektörüne Yönelik Analizi
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
N.ÇAĞDAŞ(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
Perceptive analysis of process-oriented quality costs in the quality management system
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Organizational climate and leadership in hospitality
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The analysis of the relationship among organizational learning, job attitudes, and organizational deviance in hotels
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
ISO 9001:2000 Kalite Yönetim Sistemine Karşı Gösterilen Direnç: İmalat Sanayinde Faaliyet Gösteren Bir Kurumda Nitel Bir Değerlendirme
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
A.DEMİR(Student), Postgraduate, 2008 -
The effects of work-life balance on quality of working life in hospitality organizations
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Effect of ethical climate and burnout syndrome on quality management systems: An application on laboratory
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Practical training in tourism at middle school and an application in process at the vocational high schools that teach Hotel Management and Tourism in the Province of İzmir
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
CE marking and an application of CE marking
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The effects of SA 8000 social accountability standard on organizational commitment and job satisfaction
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Creating ISO 9001:2000 quality management system in a virtual environment
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The Measurement of the effect of inservice training, applied to service workers, onto work satisfaction, in food and beverage sector, a research in Turkish Republic of North Cyprus
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Supply trends in human resources and the applications of travel agencies in the province of İzmir
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Quality perception of travel agencies``managers and aegean region application
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Job satifaction of teachers who working schools which apply total quality management elementry schools
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Guest relations management, satisfaction and loyalty in accomodation establishments
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Anlysis of the relation between ISO 9001:2000 certification and total quality management
DOĞAN Ö. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
Turkish foreign policy after 1990 in the process of European Union and regionalisation
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The European Union's tourism policies and evaluation of the travel agencies views on the Euroen Union
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The Relationship between strategic palnning and financial performnace and four-five star hotel establishments application
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Tourisms effects on local people and Kuşadası pattem
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
EU-US relations on the axis of European Security and defence policy
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Meyer-Allen Oganizational Commitment Model in context of total quality management and its application to hotel organizations
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
The Analysis of labor turnover rate with in human resources context at hospitality companies and a study in Muğla region
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Perceptions of travel agencies employees on recruitment process and the example of İzmir district
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)
Performance evaluation and job satisfaction analysis in hotels
TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Advisor)