2017 - Continues Professor
Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Eğitim Fakültesi, Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümü
2012 - 2017 Associate Professor
Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Eğitim Fakültesi, Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümü
2002 - 2003 Lecturer PhD
Dokuz Eylul University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği (Dr)
1994 - 2002 Research Assistant
Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Eğitim Fakültesi, Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümü
2017 - 2019 Director of The Institution
Dokuz Eylul University
2015 - 2017 Deputy Head of Department
Dokuz Eylul University
2013 - 2015 Deputy Head of Department
Dokuz Eylul University
2012 - 2013 Deputy Head of Department
Dokuz Eylul University
2009 - 2012 Head of Department
Dokuz Eylul University
2006 - 2009 Head of Department
Dokuz Eylul University
2003 - 2006 Head of Department
Dokuz Eylul University
Undergraduate Mathematic Philosophy
Undergraduate Analytical Geometry-2-
Undergraduate Teaching Practice-2-
Undergraduate Analysis-2-
Postgraduate New Approaches in Teaching Geometry
Undergraduate Differential Geometry
Doctorate Teaching Mathematics Based on Special Education
Undergraduate History of Mathematics
Undergraduate Analytical Geometry
Postgraduate Current Researches in Elementary Mathematics Education
Undergraduate Communicatio in Math Classes
Undergraduate Analytical Geometry-1-
Undergraduate Analysis 3
Doctorate Teknoloji Destekli Matematik Öğretimi
An investigation of 7th grade middle school student's mathematic success on percentages and mathematical language usage levels
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
Investigation of analysis success and Spatial Visualization skills of Preservice Primary Mathematics teachers on the area and volumes of rotational objects
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation of using mathematical language of primary school mathematics pre-service teachers' on i̇mproper i̇ntegrals
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation into content knowledge of primary school mathematics pre-service teachers' on area, volume and arc-length in polar coordinates
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation of effetiveness of technology supported quadratic surfaces teaching on spatial and critical thinking abilities of undergraduate students in mathematics teaching
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
Investigation of the effect of technology-supported affine geometry teaching on mathematics teacher candidates' attitudes toward analytical geometry, geometric thinking levels and academic achievement
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation of using mathematical language of secondary school students on measurement areas and liquid
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation into knowledge of 8th secondary school students on congruence and simillarity subjects
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation into misconceptions of primary school mathematics pre-service teachers' on the derivative of multi variable functions subject
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation into content knowledge of primary school mathematics pre-service teachers'on vectoral and mixed product subject
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The problems of syrian secondary school students in geometry teaching: The case of Hatay province
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation into misconceptions of mathematics pre-service teachers about the exponential uncertainty and differential
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation into the effect the concept image of primary school mathematics pre-service teachers' on the teaching plant and line in three dimensional Euclidean spaces
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation into concept image of primary school mathematics pre-service teacher's on the hyperbola
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The effects of the digital story-based mathematics teaching on concept learning of secondary school students
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation of mathematical thinking processes and mathematical language skills of secondary school students through the theoretical framework of 'three worlds of mathematics'
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation of relationship between number sense and spatial visualization of 8th grade students
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
Investigation of the relationship between academic achievement with learning styles towards the derivative of elementary mathematics teaching undergraduate students
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
Researching the effects of the instruction of the solid matters assisted with dynamic geometry softwares on the 7th graders' attitudes towards geometry and spatial thinking
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation of solid matter solving abilities of 8th graders regarding their spatial intelligence
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
An investigation of secondary school mathematics teachers' opinions about the mathematical modeling i̇n the lecture of the mathematics applications
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The investigation of using mathematical language of primary school mathematics under graduate students on the area of analysis-I-
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
Developing students' modelling competencies in mathematics lessons: An action research study
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The investigation of using mathematical language of 7th graders on algebra
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
A study of preservice teachers attitude,perception and hopelessness levels towards their professions
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The correlation between the attitudes to physic class and learning styles of second class prospective teachers in the primary school mathematics teaching
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The investigation of 7th graders' mathematical language use in the field of learning geometry
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
Researching the effect of the instruction of the transformational geometry assisted with the concrete models on the eighth grade students' attitudes towards geometry and spatial thinking
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
Determining the level of creative problem solving skills and critical thinking skills of gifted students at primary schools
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The effect of technology assisted linear algebra instruction on pre-service primary mathematics teachers? spatial ability
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
To Set Access Level of Geometry Lesson With Cooperative Learning at Primary Maths Schoolteaching Students
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
Investigation of 6, 7 and 8 grade students' spatial ability
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The evaluation of the methods applied on gifted students in elemetary school
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The effect of geometry learning with the method of conception charts supported problem solving to the 7th class students' geometry thinking level
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The place of computer assisted mathematics instruction in geometry teaching in primary school and the effects on student's succes
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)
The effects of cooperative learning rather than conventional teaching for the decimal fractions in the sixth grade of the secondary
YILMAZ S. (Advisor)