2014 - Continues Professor
Dokuz Eylul University, Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü
2009 - 2014 Associate Professor
Dokuz Eylul University, Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü
2005 - 2009 Assistant Professor
Dokuz Eylul University, Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü
2002 - 2005 Lecturer
Dokuz Eylul University, Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü
2024 - Continues Bağımlılıkla Mücadele Koordinatörü
Dokuz Eylul University, Rektörlük
2015 - 2018 Deputy Director of the Center
Dokuz Eylul University, Rektörlük, Aile Hekimliği Eğitimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi
2003 - 2008 Head of Department
Dokuz Eylul University, Rektörlük, Sağlık Kültür Ve Spor Dairesi
The relationship of fear of Covid 19 with symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder
Mevsim V. (Advisor)
T.ÖZKENT(Student), Expertise In Medicine, Continues -
Non-spesifik kronik bel ağrısı olan masa başı işlerde çalışanlarda farkındalık terapilerinin ağrı şiddetine etkisi
Mevsim V. (Advisor)
M.SANİYE(Student), Expertise In Medicine, 2024 -
Mevsim V., Yıldırım E. (Co-Advisor)
T.SEVEN(Student), Expertise In Medicine, 2024 -
Evaluation of Glucometer and User Performances in Home Blood Glucose Measurement in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Mevsim V. (Advisor)
Ç.AKIN(Student), Expertise In Medicine, 2024 -
The effect of intervention on depression using mindfulness techniques in patients diagnosed with depression in primary care : Randomized controlled trial
Mevsim V. (Advisor)
B.ASLIHAN(Student), Expertise In Medicine, 2023 -
The effect of tele-consultation counseling on smoking cessation success in smoking cessation therapy: Randomized controlled trial
Evaluation of Patient Safety Culture of Family Physicians Working in Family Health Centers
Mevsim V. (Advisor)
Evaluation of the relationship between health perception andhealth cognitions of individuals and health seeking behavior
Mevsim V. (Advisor)
Determining the effect of home BLOOD glucose monitoring on HBA1C in patients withtype 2 diabetes using smartphone application
Development of a telemedicine platform for remote monitoring of patients
Tekin H. C., Mevsim V. (Co-Advisor)
E.ALPERAY(Student), Doctorate, 2023 -
Determination of the acute analgesic effect of acupuncture on the pain symptom of patients with myofascial pain syndrome presenting with neck and shoulder pain
Mevsim V. (Advisor)
The effect of the use of BATHE interview technique on treatment compliance in hypertension patients in primary care
Investigation of the effect of morningness-eveningness on blood pressure in adults
Determination of the relationship between carbon monoxide level and dayti̇me sleepi̇ness in individuals aged 18-45
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Aile Sağlığı merkezlerine başvuran proton pompa inhibitörü kullanan hastaların ilaç kullanmaözelliklerinin saptanması
Patient expectancy of shared decision making according to ego states in primary care
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
The relationship of social problem-solving skills with body-mass index in individuals WHO apply to Dokuz Eylul University education primary care clinics
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Evaluation of knowledge levels in the recognition and management of allergic diseases of family physicians working in family health centers in İzmir
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Detection of the adherence of the treatments to "combined chronic obstructive pulmonary disease assessment system" of patients presenting with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to primary care clinics in izmir province
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Determination of factors affecting smoking cessation success in patients who applied to smoking cessation clinic
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Relationship between women's attitude of family planning and parity in primary
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Validity and reliability of Turkish version of Craving Experience Questionnaire (CEQ)
Development of a Telemedicine Platform for Remote Monitoring of Patient
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
E.ALPERAY(Student), Doctorate, 2018 -
The effect of work- family life balance over anxiety and depression in medical residents
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Validity and relability of edinburgh postpartum depression scale for Turkish men
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Validity and reliability of Turkish version of revised depression attitude questionnaire (R-DAQ)
MEVSİM V. (Co-Advisor), YURDABAKAN İ. (Co-Advisor)
Syndromic approach to osteoporosis diagnosis
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Use of hypertension diagnosis and treatment guidelines by family physicians working in primary care and obstacles of guideline use
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
A study of safety treats directed to doctors and nurses from patients at psychiatric wards
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
In formation of obesity among university students the effect of determining the internet addiction
Birinci basamakta çalışan aile hekimlerinde aile hekimliği disiplinin bazı temel özelliklerini kendilerinde hissetmenin, tükenmişlik sendromu görülmesine etkisi
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Utilization reasons of complementary-alternative medicine (CAM) on patients in primary care settings
MEVSİM V. (Co-Advisor), YILDIRIM E. (Co-Advisor)
Evalution of supply chain management of goverment and private dialiysis centers in denizli
MEVSİM V. (Co-Advisor), TÜTÜNCÜ Ö. (Co-Advisor)
The relationship between sleep quality in patients with chronic diseases and newly diagnosed depression
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Syndromic approach to vulvoginal candidiasis in primary care
MEVSİM V. (Co-Advisor), YILDIRIM E. (Co-Advisor)
Determination of decreasing the necessity of ear-wash by using the mixture of 6% hydrogen peroxide and glycerine on the patients with earwax
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)
Follow up results of chronic idiopathic low back pain patients according to family medicine principles
MEVSİM V. (Advisor)