Aysun Kapucugil İkiz is a full-time Professor of Quantitative Methods at Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Business. She holds a B.Sc. in Statistics (2001); a M.Sc. in Econometrics (2003); a M.Sc. in Quantitative Methods and Management Science (2005) and a PhD in Business Administration (2010), all from Dokuz Eylul University.
She worked as a visiting scholar at University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Computer and Information Systems Department between Aug 2008 - Feb 2009 and was a guest lecturer in May 2013 at Riga Technical University, Department of Quality Technologies. Her dissertation “A New Approach to Valuation of Six Sigma Projects: Real Options” is the third winner of the 2010 Ünal Aysal Economic Research Foundation Award in the doctorate field in Turkey. She has been the Turkish representative in the International Council for Quality Function Deployment (ICQFD) since 2004. She won the internationally acclaimed Akao Scholarship Award 2006 for the best QFD paper. She is also a member of the International Standards for Organization (ISO) and the Turkish Operational Research Society (YAD).
Her research interests are mainly on statistical modeling and analysis for business processes and quality management.
She is currently teaching business forecasting, multivariate data analysis, project management, quality management (methodologies, systems and audits).
- E-posta
- aysun.kapucugil[at]deu.edu.tr
- Web Sayfası
- https://avesis.deu.edu.tr/aysun.kapucugil