Emrah Gulay received the B.S. degree in statistics
from Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, in 2005, the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in econometrics from Dokuz Eylul
University, Izmir, Turkey, in 2008 and 2013, respectively.
During the Ph.D. studies, he visited the Department
of Mathematics with the University of California,
San Diego, CA, USA, as a Visiting Researcher. After
graduation in 2017, he was a Visiting Researcher with
Risk Management Institute, NUS; in 2018, he was appointed as a Research Fellow with the School of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, NTU. He is currently an Associate Professor of
econometrics with Dokuz Eylul University, ˙Izmir, Turkey. His research interest
includes time series analysis, financial econometrics, forecasting, and machine
- Web Sayfası
- https://avesis.deu.edu.tr/emrah.gulay
- İş Telefonu
- +90 0232 301 0318