Art Studio Supervision with or without Exposure:A Sample Survey of Implementation for Graduate StudentAchievement at Altinbas University

Genç A., Korur A. F.

Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts, sa.9, ss.345-380, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)


To what extent we could enjoy and appreciate anything that is totally unfamiliar? Without any precedent whatsoever, no comprehension would be possible. Art students gravitate to images they enjoy and this enjoyment might be partly due to an innate and self–sustaining pleasure arising from viewing pictures. In the literature we find a number of research studying the effects of such conditions as novelty, familiarity and exposure on human perception, emotion, conscious or unconscious cognition, memory, learning and etc. This research aimed to study the effects of such conditions on the creativity of the students in a graduate painting studio setting where the students were asked to complete two different painting projects of the same or related subject, one with and the other without exposure to art historical examples. The results indicate that the works carried out without exposure to examples turn out to be more creative and original in a fundamental way than those realized after the exposure.