TOURISM RECREATION RESEARCH, vol.49, no.6, pp.1397-1410, 2024 (ESCI)
This research investigates riding motorcycles as a serious leisure activity, and the motives andconstraints of motorcycle leisure. The research is designed to develop a new scale onmotorcycle leisure, hence followed the methodological phases of scale development. Followingan extensive literature review on the research topic, a mixed-method primary data collectionwas executed. Through convenient sampling, face-to-face semi-structured interviews were heldwith 27 motorcyclists, who travel with their motorcycles for leisure purposes. Based on thefindings of this initial data, structured interviews were conducted with further 33 motorcyclists.The cross-analysedfindings of the two-staged interview phase alongside thefindings of twofocus group studies held with motorcyclists and academic experts respectively, were, then, usedto identify the scale items. The scale was tested and validated on 486 survey participants,reached during several motorcyclist leisure events. The results indicate that the most importantmotives for motorcycle leisure are grouped under enjoyment, convenience and adventure-seeking. The constraints, in the meantime, were detected as work- and time-related restrictions,climate, accidents, fear of acquaintances and high costs of motorcycles and their parts.