Topographical evaluation of the foramen spinosum

Göçmen Karabekir N. N., Aksu F., Karabekir H. S., Lafçı S., Şenkul E.

20th National Anatomy Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, 27 - 31 August 2019, pp.100

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.100
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: Yes


Topographical evaluation of the foramen spinosum

Objective: The aim of the study is to define the topographical evaluation and the shape of foramen spinosum (FS) on skulls and to obtain the distances between the structure and related anatomical bony landmarks. Methods: The study was performed on the craniums of 50 (100 sides) West Anatolian adult subjects. Morphometric measurements of the FS and related adjacent structures were taken of the skulls using a Vernier caliper accurate 0.01 mm. The results were evaluated statistically with SPSS 22.0. Results: The mean distance of the right FS and the left FS; the distance between FS and the structures such as foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, and the distance between FS and foramen ovale were investigated. The mean distance between the foramen and posterior, middle and anterior clinoid processes were also evaluated, respectively. The mean distance between the foramen and lateral border of sella turcica were also evaluated, respectively. Evaluations have already been carried on. Conclusion: Anatomical results of FS and related anatomical bony landmarks may be useful for neurosurgical procedure. Keywords: foramen spinosum, morphometry, neurosurgical procedure