Taş Endüstrisi İçin Yeni Bir Jeolojik Rota Önerisi

Koçak C., Duman A., Eski S., Sümer Ö.

76. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Ankara, Türkiye, 15 - 19 Nisan 2024, ss.171

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Özet Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Ankara
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.171
  • Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


In recent years, when scientific studies that serve the sector, whether

on a global or national scale and economically, are evaluated, it is

seen that mining and engineering-based research such as reserves,

block efficiency, and physical and mechanical parameters of raw

materials are concentrated. However, in fact, the biggest reason for

the sector's expansion in the light of new concepts on a global scale is

the significant change in the end user customer profiles in recent years.

As we all know today, it is clear that many national or international

companies have developed a marketing strategy by combining their

products with terms such as "nature" and "art" to reach this new

higher-profile portfolio of potential customers.

What is the most important factor that constitutes the primary source

of the hidden and essential elements in this newly formed demand, and

how will it guide the sector in the future? This element is directly

related to the “Geology” of the requested new products. Here,

Geology is used not only in the search, discovery, and operation

(exploration, discovery, and mining) stages of the products

demanded/to be demanded in the light of these new dynamics of the

sector but also in terms of the role of these new products in controlling

the processes in the marketing strategy stages in terms of new

intellectual type customer potential.

Within the scope of this new concept outlined above, we have started

to identify stones that are different and rare in the market, both in

terms of their appearance and their geological stories, and a scientific

project has been developed in this direction. In this study, we will

present the results of the scientific studies carried out on 7 different

stones from Brazil, Tunisia and Turkey mined in Anatolia, which are

currently offered in the global market.

Finally, if the stone industry wants to reach the profile of intellectual

customers who have an insatiable desire for this type knowledge and

want to show their difference and highlight their elitism, in this

information age we live, in that case, it must aim to proceed with an

interdisciplinary perspective that blends scientific data with a different

perspective for its own evolution. This new geological route should

adopt an approach that scientifically investigates and emphasizes the

significance of geological history,apart from determining parameters

of economic values of rocks, such as texture, color, appearance, rarity,

handness, or block productivity, and reserve.