International Conference on Production Research - Regional Conference Africa, Europe and the Middle East (ICPR-AEM) / 3rd International Conference on Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management (QIEM), Cluj-Napoca, Romanya, 1 - 05 Temmuz 2014, ss.532-535
Conducting polymer composites (CPC) are nowadays used in many devices and device components. Carbon black and graphite based conductive polymer composites were produced successfully. CPCs were obtained by performing carbon and graphite additives in different contents into nonconductive polymers. The produced composites were characterized to demonstrate their structures through XRD, XPS, FT-IR, DTA-TG, SEM and electrical properties were investigated. High electrical resistance of the polymers was reduced to the levels of metal with the help of these additives. The conductivity provided with carbon black and graphite additives was determined 13 and 15 percent by weight, respectively. On the other hand, when carbon black and graphite additives were used within the same structure, the composites showed synergistic effect by showing higher conductivity with the contribution rate dropped more than half. Thus, the produced carbon based composites may be used in various applications was intended such as temperature sensor.