Versatile uses of the entropy concept in water resources

Harmancioglu N., Singh V., Alpaslan N.

Entropy and energy dissipation in water resources, ss.91-117, 1992 (Scopus) identifier


Informational entropy is used within a probabilistic context to define uncertainties in hydrologic variables, hydrologic systems and their models, and parameters of probability distribution functions. The paper discusses the versatile uses of informational entropy in water resources, summarizing the progress obtained so far in developing the concept into a widely accepted technique. Besides the already covered areas of application, new fields where entropy can be used effectively are proposed to cover basically problems in environmental engineering. In view of current research results, the merits and limitations using entropy in water resources engineering problems are discussed, followed by the conclusion that there is a definite need for further investigations so that entropy becomes a principal technique in hydrology and water resources. -from Authors