DRYING TECHNOLOGY, cilt.31, sa.3, ss.350-358, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
The present experimental investigation examined the applicability of fry-drying technology for municipal dewatered sludge by using waste engine oil for frying. The process was studied in a 100180 degrees C temperature range for 2 to 20min frying times. The cakes were shaped in a diameter range of 1 to 3cm with 3-cm-length prior to the frying. Experimental points were determined by the BoxWilson experimental method. Statistical analysis was employed for determining the response function coefficients for variables. The response functions were as dry solids content (DS), volatile solids content (VS), and low heating value (LHV). Experimental and predicted results indicated good agreement with high correlation coefficients. The results showed that fry-drying is an alternative, fast process for sludge drying. In addition, it makes fry-dried sludge as a product with noteworthy LHV. This study provides further insight into the fry-drying of municipal dewatered sludges.