Investigation of the Geologic and Tectonic Structures of Bafa Lake and Akbuk Gulf (Terrestrial and Marine Areas) by Means of Gravity and Magnetic Methods

Edremit S., ÖZEL F. E.

International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS), Antalya, Turkey, 21 - 23 April 2016, vol.1726 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 1726
  • Doi Number: 10.1063/1.4945831
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: Yes


Geologic units of Bafa Lake and Akbuk Gulf, which have very importance in point of geologic and tectonic structure, are generally are classified by high-grade metamorphic units of the Menderes Core Complex, Cycladic Complex (schist, marble, eclogite), Afyon zone meta sedimentary and Pan-African basement rocks, Neogene volcanic-sedimentary rocks and alluvium. As for tectonic structures of study areas are; Izmir-Balikesir Transfer Zone also affected the Buyuk Menderes Graben, Bornova Flysch Zone, Menderes Massif and Lycian Nappes. Regional researches were studied to reveal using Turkey Bouguer Anomaly and Turkey Aeromagnetic regional map with gravity method used for geologic structures analysis and magnetic method used to explain main structure, tectonic conditions of underground. General geologic structure and tectonic lineaments of region were examined and interpretated compatibility with gravity and magnetic values. When the geologic and tectonic structures on the terrestrial areas are generally investigated, graben systems and linearities are clearly seen on the Bouguer Anomaly map. Positive values are seen in the Bornova Flysch Zone and Menderes Massif areas at the north of study areas arising from high-density ophiolitic and metamorphic units. Graben areas in the Menderes Massif are observed negative gravity values on the low-density young alluviums. Positive gravity values are increased up to 50-60 mgal on the metamorphic rocks that are named Cycladic Complex located southwest of study areas.