An Examination of Sustainability-oriented Innovations of a Port Business: A Borusan Port Case Study

Saatçıoğlu Ö. Y., Kayıran B.


  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Rome
  • Country: Italy
  • Page Numbers: pp.100-1011
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: Yes


An Examination of Sustainability-oriented Innovations of a Port Business:

A Borusan Port Case Study


Burhan KAYIRAN1            Ömür Yaşar SAATÇIOĞLU2


For the successful implementation of sustainability activities in organizations, the basic characteristics that define innovations in sustainability activities (Wilkerson and Trellevik, 2021: 2) and the roles and responsibilities in sustainability activities (Adams et al., 2012: 17-20-21) must be consciously determined. Innovations that include sustainability activities are sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) activities, which is an umbrella structure. These activities should be established in a case-oriented manner in terms of impact levels, stakeholders, roles and responsibilities (Adams et al., 2012: 17-20-21). In this way, the uncertainties arising from the existence of many conceptualizations such as circular, green, eco, environment can be managed correctly (Ulvenblad et al., 2019: 5). In this study, three different sustainability-oriented innovation (SOI) applications implemented at Borusan Port, located in the Gemlik Bay of the Marmara region in Turkey, were examined. First of all, the SOI activities of the port have been examined using grounded theory with 12 sustainability reports of the port consisting of 1044 pages, a 25-page sustainability guide and 10 hours of in-depth and simultaneous interviews with the port senior management. The conceptual levels of SOI activities, their relational dimensions and levels with business activities, roles in SOI processes, categories and levels of SOI activities were evaluated through the SOI dimensions put forward by Adams et al. (2012: 17-20-21) and Borusan Port's level of being an organization capable of SOI has been determined. This study is the first business research that brings the subject of sustainability-oriented innovations in the literature into practice through the theoretical SOI model of Adams et al. (2012: 17-20-21). The study has showed that Borusan Port is an SOI-based business that achieves social transformation and reaches the system design level with the SOI applications it puts forward in its operational and commercial activities. It has been determined that the port's being an SOI implementer at the system design level is effective in guiding the sector and public decision makers.

Keywords: Sustainability-Oriented Innovation; Operational optimization; Organizational Transformation; System Building; SOI dimensions; Grounded Theory; Case Study; Seaport Businesses.


1Res. Asst. Dr., Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Surmene-Trabzon, Turkey,

2Prof. Dr., Dokuz Eylul University, Maritime Faculty, Buca-Izmir, Turkey,