4th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing held during the 142nd TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San-Antonio, Kuzey Mariana Adaları, 3 - 07 Mart 2013, ss.185-190
In this study, Mo containing Fe-based alloys, such as Fe-Ni-Cr-Mo, were synthesized using a mixture of Fe2O3-NiO-Cr2O3-MoO3 powders reducing with Al powders by metallothermic process which is a high energy efficient, fast and low-cost production technique for synthesis of cast alloys and advanced ceramics. Detailed thermochemical studies were simulated by using FactSage 6.2 Thermochemical software in order to calculate adiabatic temperature of the reactions and effects of initial molar composition on the final products. In the metallothermic processes, effects of stoichiometric Al addition and addition of the oxide powders (Al2O3, SiO2, CaO, MgO) on the metal recovery and compositions of final alloys were carried out. Final products were characterized by using chemical analysis (AAS), XRD, XRF and SEM/EDS techniques.