Yükseköğretimde Kurumlarının Bilimsel Yayın ve Yayıncılık Faaliyetlerinin Ulusal Ölçekte Değerlendirilmesi: TR Dizin Üzerinden Bir İş Zekası Uygulaması

Creative Commons License

Damar M., Aydın Ö., Özdağoğlu G.

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Uygulamali Bilimler Dergisi, cilt.7, sa.2, ss.196-230, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)


Yükseköğretimde Kurumlarının Bilimsel Yayın ve Yayıncılık Faaliyetlerinin Ulusal Ölçekte Değerlendirilmesi: TR Dizin Üzerinden Bir İş Zekası Uygulaması

Yükseköğretim kurumlarının misyonlarındaki araştırma bileşeni, bilimsel üretkenlik ve araştırma etkisini vurgulamaktadır. Bu araştırmaların sonuçları eğitim-öğretim ve toplumsal katkı gibi diğer bileşenler ile de doğrudan ilişkilidir. Küresel ölçekte hem bilimsel üretkenlik ve araştırma etkisinin izlenmesi hem de literatür kaynaklarına ulaşmak için bilimsel veri tabanları ve indeks ya da dizin mekanizmaları geliştirilmiştir. Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar bu kapsamda öne çıkmakta olup, aynı zamanda farklı alan dizinlerine ve ulusal dizinlere ya da veri tabanlarına rastlanabilmektedir. İndeksler ve veri tabanları, yayınladıkları istatistiklerin yanı sıra büyük ölçekli bibliografik verileri de üyeleriyle paylaşabilmekte ve böylece, konu ya da alanın genel dokusunu ortaya koyacak bibliyometrik ve ilişkili diğer araştırmalara kaynak sağlamaktadırlar. Bibliyometrik analizlerde, bilimsel üretkenlik, konu kümeleri, eğilimler, araştırmacılar, kurumlar, ülkeler, dergiler ve atıflar gibi boyutlar ele alınmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmanın amacı, Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversite’sinin TR Dizin’deki bilimsel portföyünü bibliyometrik analizlerle ortaya koymaktır. Bilimsel üretkenliği TR Dizin üzerinden ulusal düzeyde araştırması ve bunu geleneksel yazılımların ötesinde, iş zekası ortamında geliştirilmiş, kişiselleştirilmiş ve etkileşimli gösterge panelleriyle yapması çalışmanın özgün değeridir. Geliştirilen analiz ortamında, öncelikle makro düzeyde kurumun diğer akranları arasındaki konumu sunularak kıyaslamalar yapılmakta ve ardından da mikro düzeyde, yayın portföyünün alt kırılımları, bibliyometrik boyutlara göre değerlendirilmektedir. Böylece, kurumun mevcut dinamikleri incelenerek, üretkenliğin geliştirilmesi ve işbirliği fırsatları açısından öneriler sunulmaktadır.

Assessment of Scientific Documents and Publication Activities of Higher Education Institutions at National Scale: A Business Intelligence Application Through TR Dizin

The research component in the missions of higher education institutions emphasizes scientific productivity and research impact. The results of this research are directly related to other components such as education and training and societal contribution. To monitor both scientific productivity and research impact on a global scale and to access literature sources, scientific databases or indexing mechanisms have been developed. Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar are among the most prominent ones, and different field indexes and national databases can also be encountered. Indexes and databases can share large-scale bibliographic data with their subscribers, in addition to publishing their statistics, providing sources for bibliometric and related research that will reveal the general structure of the subject or area. In bibliometric analyses, dimensions such as scientific productivity, topic sets, trends, researchers, institutions, countries, journals, and citations are taken into account. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal the scientific portfolio of Manisa Celal Bayar University in TRDizin with bibliometric analyses. The original value of the study is to examine the national level scientific productivity of the university through TR-Dizin and to demonstrate it with customized and interactive dashboards developed in a business intelligence environment beyond traditional software for bibliometrics. In the analysis environment developed, firstly, comparisons are perfored by presenting the position of the institution at the macro level among its peers, and then the breakdowns of the publication portfolio are evaluated according to bibliometric dimensions at the micro level. Thus, by examining the current dynamics of the institution, recommendations are presented for the improvement of productivity and collaboration opportunities.


Today's most advanced economies are largely knowledge-based (Dunning, 2000). Higher education institutions are the most critical resources and transformative tools that produce the raw material for this economy. Schmidt (2007) argues that knowledge policies and knowledge assessment are much more fundamental than traditional science and technology policies and that knowledge is much more important in defining the future of societies. Therefore, the scientific productivity and quality activities of higher education institutions are considered valuable for increasing the welfare of the society in which they are located. Among these activities, the monitoring of scientific productivity and research activities is a phenomenon that is frequently discussed today. The results of this research are also directly related to other mission components of higher education institutions, such as education and training and social contribution. Scientific databases and indexing mechanisms have been developed globally both to monitor scientific productivity and research impact and to access literature resources. International indexes such as Scopus, PubMed, Scopus or Web of Science-WoS (SSCI, SCI, AHCI, etc.) are aggregated journal databases that provide their readers with the journals that they list and regularly scan, so that users can easily access many journal contents. This structure provides fast and effective access especially for field researchers (Asan, 2017). Ak and Gülmez (2006) emphasized that higher education institutions are included in world ranking systems according to many different parameters and that international publication activity is an important criterion in these systems. They also stated that the number of publications in international academic journals, the publication of publications in journals indexed by indexes such as Scopus and WoS, which we can call qualified upper class, and the citations to these publications are critical for research effectiveness. Asan et al. (2020) drew attention to the existence of a large number of scientific journals in the current period and pointed out that journals should strive to be included in indexes such as WoS (such as ESCI, SSCI, SCI, AHCI), SCOPUS and PubMed, which adopt qualified publication criteria. Although there are many publication indexes and databases on a global scale, in Turkey, the SSCI, SCI, SCI-Exp and AHCI indexes in WoS, Scopus and PubMed database stand out. The reason for this situation is attributed to the changing academic appointment criteria after 2001, the publication support provided by TUBITAK and the academic incentive regulation in force. Derntl (2009) sees scientific publication as an integral part of the research process. It is through publications that academics and researchers are able to transform their work into shareable scientific output, and at the same time, it is an important evidence of their contribution to science. In this way, the outputs of scientific studies are made available to humanity and scientific developments become sustainable (Kapp et al., 2011). Publishing scientific outputs in reputable and prominent journals is important and valuable for scientists (Hamurcu & Eren, 2017). Many academic databases such as WoS, PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO, Google Scholar, and many similar academic databases, scientific publication databases and related index mechanisms enable access to and evaluation of scientific publications. Some of these platforms, which contain a large volume of bibliometric data, share these data with their members and thus provide resources for bibliometric and other related research that will reveal the general texture of the selected literature. Bibliometrics is a field of research that uses statistical methods to analyze scientific publications, including many laws and methodologies (McBurney & Novak, 2002). The popularity of bibliometrics is increasing among scientists. Especially the rapid development of computers and the internet increases the motivation for this field (Bar-Ilan, 2008). The results obtained from bibliometric analysis help researchers to better select potential research areas, recognize future academic collaborators, and identify appropriate institutions to pursue academic degrees or conduct joint research (Rodríguez-Rojas et al., 2019). Through bibliometric analyses, analyses can be performed in many different dimensions. Many different dimensions such as scientific productivity in a particular field, topics discussed, trends over the years, prominent researchers, journals, institutions, countries, collaborations, and citations can be addressed.


Kaynak: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374294501_Yuksekogretim_Kurumlarinin_Bilimsel_Yayin_ve_Yayincilik_Faaliyetlerinin_Ulusal_Olcekte_Degerlendirilmesi_TR_Dizin_Uzerinden_Bir_Is_Zekasi_Uygulamasi_Assessment_of_Scientific_Documents_and_Publication_