Milli Egitim, sa.174, ss.232-249, 2007 (Scopus)
The aim of this research is to evaluate the Turkish Course books prepared and applied according to new Turkish Course Teaching Program in 2005-2006 academic year with respect to teachers' ideas. 'In order to perform this study, a 67-item "Teachers' Ideas Scale about Turkish Course Books (TÜKÖGÖ)" consisting of 3 sub-dimensions had been developed. For analysis of the scale reliability, the scale was applied on totally 117 primary school teachers 60 of whom were female, and 57 of whom were male teachers at Buca District of İzmir Province at Fall Semester of 2005-2006 academdc year. At the end of the analysis, while the Cronbach Alpha coefficient regarding whole of the scale was found as 0,97; Cronbach Alpha coefficient for The Teachers' Ideas Scale About the Turkish Course Book which is the first sub-dimension was found 0,96, Cronbach Alpha coefficient for The Teachers' Ideas Scale About The Students' Work books which is the second sub-dimension was found 0,96, and Cronbach Alpha coefficient for The Teachers' Ideas Scale About Teachers' Guide Books which is the third subdimension was found 0,84. The weighted raw score which each teacher can get from the scale is minimum 67 and maximum 335. The scale was then applied on 156 teachers at Buca District of żmir Province. The Teachers' Ideas about the Turkish Course Books were evaluated according to such variables as gender, necessity for the in-service training related to new Turkish Course Teaching Program, the class level where the teachers work, having sufficient knowledge about new Turkish Course Teaching Program, experience, and the school of graduation. As a result of the research, it was determined that the teachers who do not necessitate to in-service training regarding the new Turkish Course Teaching Program, 4th grade teachers, the teachers who declared that they had sufficient knowledge about new Turkish Course Teaching Program, and the teachers who worked for 16-25 years had all more positive ideas about the Turkish Course Books. It was determined that there was no meaningful difference between the groups with respect to gender and the graduated school. The research results were compared to the previous studies and were discussed.