Editorial-Special Issue | Practitioner Inquiry: Towards Efficiency and Responsibility in Teaching and Teacher Education

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Çomoğlu H. İ., Uştuk Ö.

Other, pp.1-3, 2023

  • Publication Type: Other Publication / Other
  • Publication Date: 2023
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-3
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: Yes


In contrast to top-down professional development practices mandated by institutions, outside experts, and local educational authorities, teachers all over the world who wish to enhance their competences as professionals are now more willing to pursue their professional development by engaging in different modes of practitioner inquiry - action research, teacher research, exploratory practice, and self-study (Hanks, 2019; Mercer et al., 2022; Rutten, 2021). Although the terminology for practitioner inquiry differs across different teaching contexts, it continues to be the key focus of teacher professional development at both pre-service and in-service levels as it enables teachers to transform their practices and increase student learning by intentionally creating reflective and reflexive spaces for them to identify their professional learning needs (Hanks, 2019; Uştuk and Çomoğlu, 2021) and encouraging teacher autonomy and agency (Dikilitaş and Griffiths, 2017; Uştuk and Çomoğlu, 2019). Thus, the aim of this special issue is to display the implementation of some critical pedagogies of bottomup teacher professional development as practitioner inquiry from a range of international perspectives through a holistic depiction of opportunities and tensions in the practitioner inquiry process.