Case Reports in Dermatological MedicineVolume 2013 2013 Article ID 352579 4 pageshttp dx doi org 10 1155 2013 352579Case ReportRemission of Ulcerated Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum after Bariatric SurgerySuleyman Bozkurt 1 Halil Coskun 1 Huseyin Kadioglu 1 Naim Memmi 1 Gokhan Cipe 1 Yeliz Emine Ersoy 1 Banu Lebe 2 and Mahmut Muslumanoglu

BOZKURT S., halil c., hüseyin k., MEMMİ N., ÇİPE G., ERSOY Y. E., ...More

Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine, 2013 (Scopus) identifier