The relationship of heel pad elasticity and plantar heel pain

Turgut A., Gokturk E., KÖSE N., Seber S., Hazer B., Gunal I.

CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH, no.360, pp.191-196, 1999 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Loss of heel pad elasticity has been suggested as one of the possible explanations of plantar heel pain. This hypothesis is evaluated by this blinded observer prospective study, using an age and weight matched control population. Hindfoot lateral radiographs of 73 patients with plantar heel pain, 29 of whom had bilateral involvement (102 feet), and who ranged in age from 20 to 60 years, were studied and compared with 120 healthy subjects (240 feet). Heel pad thickness and heel pad compressibility index were not significantly different in patients with plantar heel pain than in healthy subjects matched for age and weight. In patients with unilateral heel pain, heel pad thickness and heel pad compressibility index on the painful side were not significantly different from the opposite painless side. The contribution of the heel pad elasticity measured as a visual compressibility index for plantar heel pain is a matter of debate.