Presentation, pp.1-25, 2024
The rapid evolution of technology has positioned ArtificialIntelligence (AI) at the forefront of innovation in varioussectors, notably in healthcare. This review explores AI'scurrent and future roles in primary healthcare, highlighting itstransformative impact and the challenges that accompany itsintegration.
AI currently aids healthcare practitioners in a myriad of ways. Diagnostic procedures have been revolutionized by AI algorithms capable of analysing medical images withprecision. Administrative tasks, such as patient scheduling andrecord-keeping, have become more efficient due to AI'sstreamlining capabilities. Predictive analytics, a critical AI feature, plays a pivotal role in pre-empting healthcomplications by analysing extensive patient data. Additionally, AI has significantly advanced telemedicine, offering wider access to healthcare, a crucial developmentamidst global health emergencies.
Moreover, AI contributes substantially to personalizedmedicine, analysing large-scale data, including geneticinformation, to tailor treatment plans. Its integration intoElectronic Health Records (EHR) systems enhances dataprocessing, improving treatment outcomes and operationalefficiency.
Despite these advancements, challenges persist. Data privacyconcerns, potential erosion of the human element in patientcare, difficulties integrating AI with existing systems, and therisk of over-reliance on technology are pressing issues thatrequire careful management. Ethical considerations, includingalgorithmic transparency and accountability, also posesignificant challenges.
Looking ahead, AI's trajectory in primary healthcare is gearedtowards further advancements, with an emphasis on ethicalimplications and maintaining a balance between technologyand human-centred care. The potential of AI to enhance areaslike chronic disease management and mental health care is vast. As we approach an AI-driven era in primary healthcare, this review underscores the importance of mergingtechnological innovation with empathetic patient care.