JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY, vol.31, no.9, pp.1205-1207, 1996 (SCI-Expanded)
After reversal of blood flow following a prolonged period of ischemia, blood flow returns for a few seconds and is reduced afterward. This is called ''no-reflow phenomenon.'' Antioxidants such as allopurinol have been shown to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon in organs other than the intestine. An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of allopurinol pretreatment on intestinal blood flow after correction of intestinal volvulus in rabbits. In group 1, baseline intestinal blood flow (IBF) was evaluated using radiolabeled red blood cells. In group 2, 720 degrees intestinal volvulus was created and IBF was evaluated 6 hours later. In group 3, intestinal volvulus was created and devolvulus was performed 6 hours later. Intraperitoneal isotonic saline was injected 60 minutes before correction of the volvulus. IBF was evaluated after correction of the volvulus. Group 4 had the same procedures as group 3, but allopurinol (200 mg/kg) was injected in place of the isotonic saline. IBF stopped 6 hours after volvulus. Compared with the baseline group, IBF was significantly lower in the group with volvulus + devolvulus (P < .01). The IBF of the allopurinol-treated group was significantly higher than that of the isotonic saline group (P < .01) and it did not differ significantly from that of the baseline group. Histopathological examination showed that intestinal volvulus leads to histological injury. The histological injury was more pronounced in the devolvulus group and was less severe in the allopurinol group in comparison to the isotonic saline pretreatment group (P < .01). It is concluded that allopurinol pretreatment prevents the intestinal hypoperfusion (no-reflow phenomenon) and histological injury encountered after correction of intestinal volvulus of 6 hours' duration. Copyright (C) 1996 by W.B. Saunders Company