Is oxytocin related to psychiatric symptoms in adolescents with obesity?

Ozyurt G., Catli G., Acar S., Cingoz G., Ozsoylu D., KÜME T., ...Daha Fazla

JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM, 2025 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Objectives We aimed to investigate the relation of oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene variants (rs53576 and rs2254298) and serum oxytocin (OXT) levels with psychiatric symptoms in healthy adolescents and adolescents with obesity.Methods A total of 250 adolescents with obesity and 250 healthy adolescents were included in this study. Attachment properties, anxiety, and depression were evaluated with self-reports while diagnoses were ascertained with KIDDIE-SADS-PL Turkish version. Serum OXT level was studied with the ELISA method, and OXTR gene variants were studied by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (rs53576) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (rs2254298) methods.Results Serum OXT level was significantly lower in adolescents with obesity than in healthy controls. Self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression were significantly elevated, especially in female adolescents with obesity, whereas parent/peer attachment was significantly lower. The rs53576 G/G genotype was found to be significantly more prevalent among obese youth. About 29.2 % of obese youth were diagnosed with psychopathology, especially anxiety and depression. OXT levels and receptor polymorphisms were not related to self-reported symptoms, attachment, and presence of psychopathology.Conclusions Further studies should evaluate the roles of other constructs (e.g., early adversity, parenting, social supports, coping, temperament, etc.) and discern the roles of parent-child synchrony in elucidating relationships between OXT, pediatric obesity, and psychopathology.