Determination of the Ideas and Expectations of the Students Taking the Laboratory Animal Breed-ing Course towards their Clinical Skills Acquisition and their Achievements and Anxiety Levels at the end of the Application

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Kamacı Özocak G., Açıkgöz A., Genç B.

Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.21, sa.2, ss.92-98, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


This study aimed to determine the thoughts and expectations of the students who took laboratory animal breeding courses about clinical skill acquisition and their achievements and anxiety levels at the end of the application with a survey study. One hundred thirtyeight students participated in the survey. The questionnaire method was applied to the propositions and questions created using the State-Trait Anxiety Scale and the literature. A statistically significant difference (P<0.05) was found between the students' total scores of opinions and expectations towards the practice before and after the practice course. The total score of opinion and expectation towards the application after the application lesson was found to be higher (P<0.01) than the total score of opinion and expectation towards the application before the application lesson. State anxiety (P<0.05) and trait anxiety total score (P<0.01) were lower after the applica-tion lesson than before the application lesson. It was concluded that the applied education made a difference in the students' clinical skill acquisition and positively affected their mood.