The wide distribution of HP-LT rocks in the Lycian Belt (Western Turkey): implications for accretionary wedge geometry

Rimmele G., Oberhaensli R., CANDAN O., Goffe B., Jolivet L.

TECTONIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN REGION, vol.260, pp.447-466, 2006 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In SW Turkey, Fe-Mg-carpholite has recently been recognized in the basal metasediments of the Lycian Nappes, which overthrust the Menderes Massif on its southern flank. This high-pressure-low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphic index mineral was widely found in the Bodrum peninsula region. Our new metamorphic and structural data on similar carpholite-bearing rocks found farther north in several klippen of the Lycian Nappes located on top of the Menderes Massif show that HP-LT rocks in SW Turkey occur over a distance of >200 km in both north-south and east-west directions, thus indicating a wide HP-LT metamorphic belt. The deformation pattern from the Bodrum peninsula to Civril, all along the contact between the Lycian Nappes and the Menderes Massif, reveals the role played by major top-to-the-NE shear zones contemporaneous with exhumation of the Lycian HP-LT rocks. This deformation shows an oblique direction of opposite shear sense relative to the earlier southward translation of the Lycian Nappes over the Menderes Massif, for which top-to-the-south displacements are preserved in the upper units of the Lycian Nappes on the Bodrum peninsula, as well as at the base of the Lycian nappe klippen located farther north. The widespread distribution of well-preserved Fe-Mg-carpholite-bearing rocks in the Lycian Nappes has implications for the geometry of the accretionary wedge responsible for HP-LT metamorphism in SW Turkey.