Luc abscess: an extraordinary complication of acute otitis media

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Er A., Erdağ T. K., Caglar A., Kumus O., Duman M.

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, cilt.34, sa.1, 2016 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Luc abscess is an uncommon suppurative complication of otitis media. Unfamiliarity of this complication leads to delayed diagnosis and treatment. This abscess is usually benign. Infection in the middle ear spreads via anatomic preexisting pathways, and this process results with subperiosteal pus collection. Conservative treatment with drainage under empirical wide spectrum antibiotic is efficient. Here, we present a 9-year-old boy who had left facial swelling after a period of otalgia, diagnosed as Luc abscess without mastoiditis.