20th National Anatomy Congress, İstanbul, Türkiye, 27 - 31 Ağustos 2019, cilt.13, sa.2, ss.191-192
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the localization and the shape of hypoglossal canal (HC) on skulls and to find out the distances between this area and anatomic landmarks.
Methods: This study was performed on the craniums of 50 (100 sides) adult West Anatolian People. Eight morphometric measurements of the distances between parts were taken of the skulls using a Vernier caliper accurate 0.01 mm. The results were evaluated statistically with SPSS 15.0.
Results: HC was found as a separated canal on 23 sides. The lenght of the HC, the width of the occipital condyl, the dis- tance between of the entrance of the HC and crista occipitalis externa, the distance between of the anterior point of the right and the left occipital condyl, the distance between of the pos- terior point of the right and the left occipital condyl and the thickness of the occipital condyl were found on the right and the left sides 9.28 mm and 8.77 mm; 11.76 mm, and 12.12 mm; 23.28 mm and 22.89 mm; 28.81 mm and 29.30 mm; 19.03 mm; 33.82 mm; 9.30 mm, 8.90 mm, respectively.
Conclusion: The localization of HC and the distances between this canal and anatomic landmarks may be useful for screw replacement during the operation of the transcondylar and the supracondylar approach of the neurosurgery.
Keywords: hypoglossal canal, transcondylar approach, mor- phometry