Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between teacher candidates' conflict activity styles and career adaptability. It also investigates whether conflict activity styles and career adaptability levels differ according to demographic variables. Research Methods: The research population consisted of 451 teacher candidates in a university in the west region of Turkey. The research was structured as a quantitative research model. The correlation method and the descriptive method were used together. Data was collected by the Career Futures Inventory Scale's Career Adaptability subscale (CFI-CA), Conflict Activity Styles Inventory (CASI), and a personal information form. The data was analysed using Independent Samples T-Test, a One-Way ANOVA, and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (p<.05). Findings Results show that teacher candidates' career adaptabilities correlate with their conflict activity styles at a statistically significant level. Career adaptability decreases when avoidant and compulsive actions are preferred during conflicts. Whereas career adaptability increases when mediator, facilitator, and resisting styles are preferred in conflicts. Implications for Research and Practice: Implications of the findings and limitations of the study are discussed. (C) 2021 Ani Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved