JOURNAL OF BALTIC SCIENCE EDUCATION, vol.9, no.1, pp.61-71, 2010 (SSCI)
In this study, it was tried to explore mental models of light utilized by the Turkish students for the explanations of single-slit diffraction and double-slit interference of light. This research has been carried on the group of 294 students made up of 175 introductory and 119 advanced level students studying in the departments of engineering, physics and physics teachers at a Turkish University. Open - ended questions pertaining drawings and explanations were used as data collection tool. As a result of quantitative and qualitative analysis, three mental models which were named as wave, ray and particle being used by the students while explaining these subjects, were described. Serious difficulties were observed towards the usage of these models for the both levels of the student groups and some differences were indicated between the introductory and advanced level university students in terms of usage of these models.