Comparison Of Hıgh Fıdelıty And Low-Fıdelıty Simulator Traıning Methods In Basic Life Support Educatıon: A Randomızed Controlled Study

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Gültekin T.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (IJMCER), cilt.2, sa.5, ss.403-412, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)


Objective: Inthisstudyouraimwas to comparetheof HighFidelity (HF) simulatorsandLow-Fidelity (LF) simulators on BLS training. Design: Thisstudywasdesigned as a randomizedcontrolledexperimentalresearch. Setting: One-hundred 2nd year nursing students werer an domly allocatedintot wo groups to participate in either HF or LF simulated BLS courses. Methods: Subjective (question naires) and objective (performance statistics) metrics were analysed. Socio-demo graphic characteri stics of each group wereid entified before the courses. Pre-courseand post-course question naires were conducted to evaluate their basic knowlede and application skills on BLS. Results: Therewas not any statistically significant difference between theme an total scores of the HF and LF groupsfor BLS knowledge levels in pre- coursetests (p = 0.474). However, in the post course tests the mean total scores of HF group were significant lyhigherthan the LF group (p = 0.018). From BLS application skills point of view, we could not find any statistical difference between two groups in thepre- course tests; but in the post-course tests the mean total scores of the HF group were significantly higher than the LF group (p < 0.001). Conclusions: We have determined that the education given with HF methods has a moderate effect on the knowledge level of BLS whileit hada highlevel of effect on theability to apply BLS skills. KEYWORDS:Basic cardiac life support, simulationtraining, highfi delity training, low-fidelity training, teaching methods, public health nursing.