Web Based Patient Feedback System For Hospitals

Damar M.

International Informatics Congress (IIC2022), Batman, Turkey, 17 February 2022

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Batman
  • Country: Turkey
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: Yes


Web Based Patient Feedback System for Hospitals

Muhammet Damar*1

1Dokuz Eylül University, muhammet.damar@deu.edu.tr

* Corresponding author: muhammet.damar@deu.edu.tr


Abstract: In daily life, many patients or their relatives receive services from hospitals in order to benefit from health services. Sometimes these hospitals are accredited by various accreditation institutions in order to achieve a standard for the services they provide and to operate according to national and international standards. The Turkish Accreditation Agency (TÜRKAK), which was established in Ankara in 1999, is one of the institutions that accredit and inspect health institutions in Turkey. Although patients evaluate their satisfaction with the health service they receive on e-pulse effectively, the need for an information system that conveys the problems experienced by the patient to the relevant hospital and that will ensure the improvement of both the patient and the institution within the framework of quality standards and the effective solution of the problems is a necessity. has emerged. The existence of such a gap has also attracted attention in the literature studies and the web pages of health institutions. Considering this need, a web-based patient feedback system was designed for the management of patient feedback. During the development, a database modeling was designed that could meet not only the needs of the entire hospital, but also the central laboratory, polyclinic services and similar different unit needs within the hospital. This situation emerged as a result of the needs analysis carried out, and it was seen that different units may have different needs, and that it was due to the fact that the feedbacks on the services they provided were resolved within a different organizational structure. It is thought that the study carried out will enable to evaluate the concentration in patient feedback over the years, from which units and which types of problems patients encounter more intensely, from many different perspectives such as the content of the problems, unit or person connection. In addition, recording such positive or negative feedback from patients and establishing an effective process management for feedback are considered valuable for improving the quality of health services of hospitals.

Key words: hospital, patient feedbacks, patient rights, quality, feedback management system.