Forming “Colonies Militaires” against the Revolts in Ottoman Bosnia, 1849-1865

Keçeci S.

Международная научная конференция «Casus belli в международных отношениях XIX XX вв.: дипломатия, идеология, военные приготовления», Moscow, Rusya, 20 - 21 Ekim 2022

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Yayınlanmadı
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Moscow
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Rusya
  • Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


The aim of this paper is to examine the main motivations behind the foundation of military colonies (‘colonies militaires’) in Ottoman Bosnia in the second half of the nineteenth century. The Ottoman centre saw each new military colony in the region as an instrument of political centralization that could bring increasing numbers of revolts under the effective control of the imperial government and furthermore it was believed that military colonies would spur the regional economy by evolving into agricultural centres bringing into production vast areas. They would also serve as agents of the central imperialistic designs by establishing and defending Ottoman claims to disputed terriory. According to Ottoman primary sources, in the 1840s the Ottoman statesmen borrowed the concept of military colonization from Europe and adapted that institution to fit Ottoman needs in an effort to muster all their physical and human resources. By judiciously placing small contingents of soldier-colonists at strategic locations in the region, officials believed they had solved many of their problems. They argued that when situated along international frontiers, such establishments became the country’s first line of defense, upholding the imperial honour when disputes arouse with neighbouring states. Located at key points along transportation routes, military settlements sought to establish and maintain essential communications while at the same time encouraging and protecting commercial traffic. Indeed, there were many models to choose: some planners looked to the military colonies of Austria in Croatia and Slavonia as worthy of emulation. At times, the plans of the Landemann for French Algiers were also consulted. Belgium’s experiments with prison colonies, England’s colonizing practices in India and America and Russia’s frontier experiences in Asia were also considered. Finally, With all these examples well in mind, Ottoman statesmen proceeded to formulate their own version of military settlement.