Medeniyet medical journal, cilt.31, sa.4, ss.260-265, 2016 (Scopus)
© 2016, Logos Medical Publishing. All rights reserved.Several methods have been developed taking comorbid factors into consideration for prediction of the mortality risk in hip fractures in the elderly patients; but the perfect risk model for predicting mortality following hip fracture surgery does not exist. ACE-27 scoring method is basically a successful method for the prediction of the risk of mortality used in the oncology literature.The aim of this study was to examine the success of the ACE-27 scoring in the prediction of mortality by comparison with the accepted methods of CCI and ASA. An evaluation was made of the data of patients with the diagnosis of hip fracture in the elderly. Patients were examined in 2 groups. Group 1: 49 patients who died within 1 year postoperatively and Group 2: 65 patients who survived longer than 1 year. The patients of both groups were retrospectively scored using CCI and ACE-27 scoring systems. The ASA scoring performed by an anesthetist was taken into consideration. The scoring systems were evaluated in terms of mortality and comparative effectiveness to each other. There were no significant differences between two groups with respect to age (p=0.699), female: male ratio (p=0.256), hospitalisation period (p=0.314), mean time from trauma to surgery (p=0.375), mean duration of surgery (p=0.421) A statistically significant relationship was found between the groups with respect to ACE-27 (p<0.05), CCI and ASA (p<0.05) scorings. In the ROC analysis, the greatest area under the curve was obtained with the ACE-27 (AUC: 0.799). ACE-27 has the highest predictive power and is a valid and reliable method which could be used in the prediction of 1-year mortality in elderly patients with a hip fracture.