Evaluation of Biomass Energy Potential for Western Anatolian Cities

Özuysal A., Akıncı G.

The 6th EurAsia Waste Management Symposium, İstanbul, Türkiye, 24 - 26 Ekim 2022, ss.415-419

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Tam Metin Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: İstanbul
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.415-419
  • Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


The demand on energy increases with excessive population growth. The energy is needed to meet social

and economic development and provide human welfare and health. Biomass energy, which is the most

used renewable energy source, constitutes 10.2% of the total global energy supply. The demand for

biomass energy increases to decrease dependency on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

Hence more cost-effective technologies will be available for biomass energy and new policies will

encourage the use of biomass energy. Biomass is solid carbonaceous material which can be derived from

agriculture and forestry wastes, animal wastes, kitchen wastes and sewage sludge. These biomasses are

converted to energy via combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion etc. The aim of the study

is to evaluate the overall energy potential of biomass generated in Western Anatolian cities of Türkiye

according to the analysis results of biodegradable municipal solid waste, animal waste, agricultural

waste and sewage sludge. The energy potential is assessed with respect to incineration and pyrolysis

technologies. Moreover, the amount and availability of biomass are assessed for detailed analysis. The

calorific values of several biodegradable municipal solid wastes were determined and they were found

between 2182 and 4258 kcal/kg dw. The calorific values of other types of biomasses were between 3355

and 5476 kcal/kg dw. Then the energy production potential was calculated regarding the amount of these

wastes in Western Anatolian cities. The results show that the energy production from biomass is possible

and promising for Western Anatolian cities.