8th European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2011, Athens, Greece, 30 - 31 May 2011, pp.95-108
Supply Chains' competition determines the competitive advantage of the firms. To sustain competitiveness the B2B and B2C relations in "Supply Chain" must be empowered with "knowledge management" practices including Information Technologies. All the studies that include both Knowledge Management (KM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) in their titles - are like Surprise Egg with their jaunty cover; confuse readers with their different contents. Many researchers added "focused dimensions" to their work to decrease that complexity: "KM in / and / across/ together with / based / facilitated / as / enabled SCM:" and "bullwhip effect, SC processes, and Knowledge functions" These specific focused dimensions and concepts are preferred by KM domain, SCM domain or close disciplines. And these challenges must be systemized to clarify academics' mind who enters this complex and ambiguous research area that consists of two management philosophies. In this study, in accordance with the aim of systemizing context, KM-SCM common literature is explored and summarized in one table to be absorbed in a glance. Additionally, the relations with the main dimensions are discussed and a model for the further research propositions developed.