JOURNAL OF THE ANATOMICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.1-4, 2025 (SCI-Expanded)
Purpose: Metoptic canal (MC) is located between the superior orbital fissure and the optic canal. Warwick’s foramen (WF) is viewed on the inner side of the orbit together with foramen rotundum and superior orbital fissure. The aim of the present study was to determine the presence and incidence of MC and WF and to examine their morphometric characteristics in a sample of Turkish skulls from West Anatolia.
Methods: A total of 153 dried human skulls and 11 dried skull bases from a West Anatolian Turkish population collected at the Anatomy Department of Dokuz Eylul University were examined. Presence and incidence of the MC and of WF were determined. The distance between reference points and the structures examined within the orbit were measured using a caliper. Student's t test was used for comparisons between the right and left sided measurements. SPSS 22.0 software pack was used for statistical analysis.
Results: MC was detected in 10 of the 153 dry human skulls: 4 (2.6%) on the right side, 5 (3.2%) on the left side, and one (0.06%) bilaterally. There were no statistically significant differences between right and left side measurements (p>0.05). WF was observed in 2 (18.2%) of the 11 dry skulls, and both were on the left.
Conclusion: The relationships between MC, WF and other anatomical structures may be of clinical importance in surgical operations involving the orbit.
KEYWORDS: Metoptic canal (MC); orbit; optic canal; Warwick’s foramen (WC); superior orbital fissure; foramen rotundum.