BILIG, no.64, pp.49-70, 2013 (SSCI)
This study aims to assess the situation concerning the problems encountered in comprehending written ironic texts. The comprehension problems encountered in written forms of irony, which we use orally at any time in our daily lives, constitute the problem statement of this study. The ironic discourse which we encounter especially in critical reviews, and other genres such as poetry, novel and newspaper columns, has the function of implying the opposite of the words uttered, just like in oral irony. Ironic texts have discourses which can be assessed within the framework of critical and cultural literacy. The attitude assumed by the reader who encounters such a text is important in terms of either social and cultural awareness or cognitive awareness. Depending on qualitative research, this study was carried out with 40 undergraduate students studying at the Department of Turkish Language Education. In this context, two newspaper columns with ironic discourse and some questions related to these two columns were given to the participants. The participants were asked to answer these questions, which aimed at an understanding of the deep, surface, and critical structure. Consequently, it has been observed that the participants mostly did not understand the texts with ironic discourse, and they showed a text-oriented approach during the reading process