Arsenic has a natural cycle as it travels underground. It can mix with geothermal fluid in different ways under the control of magmatic and tectonic processes. Geogenic arsenic is present in many geothermal fields in the world at concentrations above the limits set for human health. The arsenic content of geothermal fluids is also related to the concept of geothermal play type, which forms geothermal systems, because the natural processes that form the geothermal system also control the arsenic cycle. In this study, an attempt is made to explain the relationship between the geothermal play type concept and geothermal arsenic circulation. For this purpose, geothermal field examples are given from around the world and Turkey. The result shows that arsenic concentrations can reach significant levels along with plate tectonic boundaries in the world. When arsenic concentrations were evaluated, the effect of major faults on the Anatolian Plate was clearly seen. Also, in the Anatolian plate where volcanosedimentary units are common, geothermal fluids caused more effective alteration along with structural control and increased arsenic concentrations in geothermal systems. This interaction between structural elements, geothermal fluid, and the arsenic cycle shows that the concept of play type in geothermal systems should also be taken into consideration. It was determined that the places with high arsenic values are located within the convective-non-magmatic extensional geothermal play types such as Western Anatolian Extensional System and the North Anatolian Fault. The concept of play type in geothermal systems includes all systematic and external factors that make up these processes. For this reason, it is very important to evaluate the play type classification together with the arsenic cycle.