The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between perceptions of the self-efficacy levels for both mathematics literacy and information literacy in pre-service primary mathematics teachers and the factors on which the relationship depends (variables include gender, class level, hours spent reading books and computer-access facilities). The research model is a relational-survey model of the quantitative patterns. According to the results, it was determined that there was a positive relationship between perceptions of the self-efficacy levels of mathematics literacy and information literacy in pre-service teachers. Separately, it was ascertained that mathematics literacy self-efficacy levels in pre-service teachers showed meaningful differences according to variables such as class level and book-reading frequency/rate, whereas their information literacy self-efficacy levels depended on variables such as gender and computer-access status. According to these results, when considering the factors influencing literacy levels, it is seen that the variables such as computer-access status and book-reading frequency/rate are significant in terms of the pre-service teachers having these positive features. In addition, for future researches it can be examine the relationship between perceptions of the self-efficacy levels for both mathematics literacy and information literacy in in-service primary mathematics teachers and the different factors on which the relationship depends.