Historical Background of Battlefield Tourism

Işıldar P.

Battlefield Tourism, TOURISM SECURITY-SAFETY AND POST CONFLICT DESTINATIONS, Onur Akbulut,Yakın Ekin,Mehmet Emre Güler Özgür Sarıbaş, Editör, Emerald Ink Publishing, Leeds, ss.75-96, 2024

  • Yayın Türü: Kitapta Bölüm / Araştırma Kitabı
  • Basım Tarihi: 2024
  • Yayınevi: Emerald Ink Publishing
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Leeds
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.75-96
  • Editörler: Onur Akbulut,Yakın Ekin,Mehmet Emre Güler Özgür Sarıbaş, Editör
  • Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


From ancient times, people have been drawn to the sites of past battles to

pay their respects, learn about history, and gain a deeper understanding of

the sacrifices made by those who fought. Today, battlefield tourism is a

popular way for people to connect with the past and honor those who served

their countries. Battlefield tourism is a significant component of war tourism

and is not a new phenomenon (Smith, 1996). Even before the concepts of

dark tourism or thanatourism emerged, studies were mostly carried out

within the scope of heritage tourism at battlefields and war-related sites.

However, with the increasing interest in the macabre and morbid aspects of

history, dark tourism has gained popularity as a distinct form of tourism,

encompassing sites related to death, tragedy, and disaster.

The debate about how to interpret war or how battlefield tourism relates

to death is not new, and many studies on battlefield tourism compare and

contrast various aspects of travel, whether they are dreary, educational, or

enjoyable. To examine battlefield tourism from a historical perspective,

firstly conceptually, it is necessary to consider how it has been perceived from

the past to the present and what structures are involved. This section aims to

examine the tourism of the battlefields from a historical perspective. In this

context, at the first stage, its development in the literature was examined

from a conceptual point of view, and then the turning points where tourism

activities started were discussed.

Keywords: Battlefield tourism; war tourism; war tourism history; dark

tourism; thanatourism