Flanking.New features of the old style.

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Taranç R.

METROPOLİS-IN THE MIRROR OF MODERN MEDİA, Minsk, Belarus, 06 October 2022, pp.45-46

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Minsk
  • Country: Belarus
  • Page Numbers: pp.45-46
  • Dokuz Eylül University Affiliated: Yes


I am Ragıp Taranç. Hello Everybody. I am Docent in Dokuz Eylül University Fine Arts Faculty, Department of Film Design and Directing and the other hand,I dirctig alot of documentary. My subjects are usually metropol(city), immagration, gender….


Documentation of the city can be done not only in printed publications such as newspapers, novels, stories, etc. as it was in the 19th century, but also visually, in other words, in social media, through digital tools. The concept of flaneur, which used to have a literary meaning, Walter Benjamin conceptualized the word idle through the poetry of Charles Baudelaire. Today, it is a definition that everyone has. The meaning of the word flaneur is defined as an idle urban traveler who wanders in the city. Nowadays, digital flaneuring emerges with the help of mobile devices (smart phones, action cameras). In this way, it increases the convergence of a city in the media with photographic images. Jean Baudrillard also realizes the exchange of symbols. Here a visual the problematic of freedom in a consumer society arises.


In the urban documentary of the 80s and 90s, we were recording dramatized moments such as evidence, proof, etc. Currently, we record the city by using random time, by walking around. With the visual accumulation here, we construct its dramatization later. The result is "whatever happens to us" projects with the help of the mobile digital world. In a sense, this is a longing for cloudlessness.


Of course, let's not forget that this luck is due to the rapid development of technology and the shrinking of cameras to 4k. The ease and comfort of recording these wanderings without frightening people allows different meanings to emerge.