IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), cilt.44, ss.9668-9673, 2011 (Scopus)
In this paper, depending on bipedal human walking analysis, knee and ankle joint control of special under-hip prosthesis is investigated. After the designing of the prosthesis and its parts by using SolidWorks, strength analyses under various pedestal loads are given, to ensure an optimal and convenient model. Depending on measurements of hip, knee and ankle motions by using vision techniques, bipedal human gait analysis is investigated. After these measurements using the hip motion as reference, knee and ankle joint angles are derived and calculated. The calculated values are then used to control the motions of knee and ankle joints via DC-motors so that the investigated trajectories for optimal bipedal walking could be realized. A mathematical model for bipedal walking is then executed as a combination of two serial manipulators, each having two revolute joints, in other words, having two degrees of freedom. Inverse kinematics analysis and recursive Newton-Euler computation methods are given to obtain the dynamic equations, which describe the motion of the walking system. For desired walking characteristics, knee and ankle trajectories are derived. With this novel method both ankle and knee joint positions in case of upper knee amputees can be determined and controlled for various gait instants. © 2011 IFAC.