COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, vol.29, no.3, pp.616-625, 2013 (SSCI)
The purpose of this study is to analyse individual students' goal setting and metacognitive knowledge using the learning platform developed for the "Electricity in Our Lives" unit. A descriptive case study was applied in this work. The participants were three fourteen-year-old students from a seventh grade classroom. The data were gathered from the students' self-explanations as recorded in the learning platform database. The content analysis showed that the instruction with the learning platform helped the students overcome the difficulties they felt regarding the concept of electricity and enabled them to set goals with an intrinsic orientation. However, while the students were engaged in the same learning platform activities, they made different reflections on their metacognitive knowledge. Remarkable progress was observed in all but one students' metacognitive knowledge. It was suggested that the students should have educational experiences via learning platform for longer periods and in a wider range of activities in order for them to monitor their goal setting and metacognitive knowledge effectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.