RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS, vol.168, no.3, pp.212-223, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
Turkish pink shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) samples were studied by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy for identification and dose assessment purposes. In this work, the calcified shells of shrimps were used as a sample material. Before irradiation, all shrimp shell samples exhibit one weak ESR singlet with a g-factor of 2.0047. After irradiation, all samples exhibit two asymmetric ESR signal components centered at g-values of 2.0013 and 1.9959. The dose-response curves of the samples exposed to gamma radiations were found to be described well by a single saturation exponential function. Variation of ESR signal intensity of irradiated samples at room and-20 degrees C temperatures with time in a long-term showed that free radicals responsible from the ESR spectrum of shrimp shells were not stable but still detectable after 87 days. Also, the kinetic behavior of signal at g=2.0013 was studied and the additive dose method was used to evaluate the dose in the product.