Electronic structure of two coupled Si delta-doped GaAs as dependent on the donor thickness

ÖZTÜRK E., Ergun Y., Sari H., Sokmen I.

APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, cilt.77, ss.427-431, 2003 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


For the uniform distribution we have theoretically investigated the influence of donor thickness on two coupled Si delta-doped GaAs structure, at T=0 K. Electronic structure have been calculated by solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations self-consistently. We thus find the confining potential, the electronic density, the subband energies and their eigen envelope functions, the subband occupations and Fermi energy. From the self-consistent calculation, we have seen that the effective potential profile and the electronic density of two coupled Si delta-doped GaAs structure are sensitive to the donor thickness while the subband energies and the subband occupations are not sensitive to the donor thickness .