Aim: It is reported that each year HPV causes 528,000 new cases and 266,000 cervical cancer induced deaths worldwide. HPV16 is responsible for 54.4%, HPV18 is responsible for 16.5% of the infections. In this study, the prevalence of genital HPV infection and distribution of genotypes were investigated in women who admitted to University Hospital. Material and Method: Genital samples of 261 women were investigated for the high-risk 12 HPV genotypes (HPV16/18/31/33/35/39/45/51/52/56/58/59) with multiplex realtime PCR (Sacace Biotechnologies, Italy). Results: In 100 of 261 (38.3%) genital samples, HPV DNA were positive and all genotypes that can be detected by the kit were identified at least once. In 61 samples (61.0%) a single HPV type was identified and in 39 samples (39.0%) more than one genotype was identified. Most mixed infections (53.8%), occurred with two HPV types. In HPV DNA positive samples, the most common type was HPV16 (39/100,39.0%) followed by HPV51 (22/100,22.0%), HPV56 (18/100,18.0%), HPV52 (15/100,15.0%) and HPV31 (15/100,15.0%). The most common genotypes identified in samples infected with a single type were HPV16 (16/61,26.2%), HPV51 (9/61,14.8%) and HPV56 (8/61,13.1%). In mixed infections, HPV16 (23/39,59.0%) was followed by HPV51 (13/39,33.3%) and HPV31 (11/39,28.2%). Discussion: As a conclusion, the prevalence of genital HPV infection in the studied population of women was 38.3%. HPV16 was the most common type similar to the worldwide data, while HPV18 was less prevalent than the other high-risk HPV types, HPV51 and HPV56. Such epidemiologic studies are useful to guide development of cervical cancer screening algorithms and vaccination studies.