TURKISH JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASE, cilt.33, sa.3, ss.80-85, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)
Aim: This study aimed to create a peritoneal metastasis (PM) model in Wistar albino rats and nude mice and compare PM models and different tumor
cell inoculation methods in the two experimental animal types.
Method: There were two main groups: group 1 comprised Wistar albino rats (n=16), and group 2 comprised nude mice (n=16). The group comprising
rats was divided into two subgroups (1A and 1B), to which different tumor inoculation methods were applied. Group 2, comprising nude mice, was
divided into two subgroups (2A and 2B), to which different tumor inoculation methods were applied. Euthanization was performed on the 7th and 14th
days after tumor inoculation. The obtained samples were evaluated macroscopically, microscopically, and biochemically.
Results: Although no PM model was formed in group 1, a PM model occurred in the subjects in group 2 who were euthanized on the 14th day.
There was no statistically significant difference between the mean peritoneal carcinomatosis index scores, tumor diameters, and the amount of intraabdominal ascites in the subgroups (2A vs. 2B), in which the PM model was created by two different methods.
Conclusion: The inoculation of tumor cells with the peritoneal injection method enabled the creation of a PM model that can be used in experimental
studies. Although a PM model could not be established in rats, a complete PM model was established in nude mice. In future studies, we plan to
evaluate the efficacies of different drugs in the PM models we have created.
Keywords: Peritoneal metastasis model, colorectal cancer, tumor inoculation