Unilateral neuroretinitis and periparillary serous retinal detachment in cat-scratch disease.

Saatci A. O., Oner F. H., Kargi A., KAVUKÇU S.

Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO, cilt.16, sa.1, ss.43-6, 2002 (Scopus) identifier identifier


Cat-scratch disease is a self-limited infection characterized by subacute regional lymphadenitis, which is usually preceded by a history of being scratched by a cat infected with the Bartonella species. Neuroretinitis, retinochoroiditis, isolated papillitis and peripapillary angiomatosis are features of posterior segment involvement. However, vision loss is very rare. We report a patient with cat-scratch disease associated with unilateral neuroretinitis and peripapillary serous retinal detachment, and discuss its fluorescein and indocyanine green angiographic features.