Median Cleft Lip

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Menderes A., Ateşşahin F. B., Çağlı H. B., Atalmış S. E., Terzi M., Babahan T.

ESPRAS Quadrennial Congress 2022, Porto, Portekiz, 5 - 07 Ekim 2022

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Yayınlanmadı
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Porto
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Portekiz
  • Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Median cleft lip

İntroduction : complete or partial lip clefts in the midline of the upper lip are defined as median clefts of the upper lip. 1 ın 1974, tessier numbered the craniofacial clefts from 0 to 14 Counterclockwise in a study involving 336 patients. Upper lip midline clefts are named tessier 0 clefts. 2,3 despite the diversity in classifications, upper lip midline cleft are rare. Its incidence Among cleft patiens varies between 0.43-0.73 Percent. 4 ıf the more common forms of cleft Lip and palate are not taken into account, the İncidence of atypical cleft is estimated at 1/10 5 . 5 median upper lip cleft can be defined As a cleft that passes vertically through the Midline of the upper lip. These clefts ocur Due to incomplete or complete Nondevelopment of the medial nasal Prominences. 6 In this study, we will share a case Diagnosed prenatally and referred to our clinic For cleft lip repair.

Case: A 55 days old patient who was Diagnosed with cleft lip anomaly in the 20th Week of intrauterine life was admitted to our Clinic. It was learned that she was born at 37 Weeks of age as the third live birth from the Third pregnancy of a 36 year old mother who Had no teratogen exposure or drug use History. There was no consanguinity in the Parents and no other family history of cleft lip And palate. In our examination, cleft lip with Vermillon defect in the upper lip midline and Bifid frenulum structure were observed. It was Observed that the columella was short and the Nose tip was flat. Intercanthal distance was Measured to be minimally increased and that Was consistent with hypertelorism. The total Lenght and width of the vermillon were Considered normal. (photography 1) In the preoperative period, brain mrı Ve ecocardiography were performed fort he Diagnosis of additional anomalies such as Other midline defects. While no problem was  Observed in the patient’s ecg, corpus Callosum agenesis and colpocephaly was Detected in brain mrı of the patient. BrainMrı showed no sign of encephalocele and Meningocele. The departmant of pediatric Cardiology reported that the patient did not Need endocarditis prophylaxis. The Departmant of pediatric nefrology also Examined the patient and the department did (photography 1, preoperative examination) (photography 2, intraoperative examination) Not make any further recommendations. The patient whose preoperativePreparations were completed and reached 9200gr, was operated on by us when she was 8 months and 27 days old. In the operation, local anesthetic Substance containing lidocaine+adrenaline Was infiltrated on the prolabium and cleft lip Margins. Prolabium was elevated as a Quadriangular flap in order to eliminate Shortness of the columella and flatness of theTip. Incision was extended in the wet mucosa Of the upper lip to the basis of the frenulum. When it was seen that the lenght of the wet Mucosa was not sufficient, a small z-plasty Was designed from the mucosa to increase its Lenght. Orbicularis oris muscle was dissected From the abnormal attacthment sites on the Cleft margins, with horizontal incisions made İn the muscle, so the contractions in the Muscle were opened and range of motion was İncreased. Orbicularis oris muscle was Repaired in the midline by suturing with 4-0 Vicryl. One z-plasty designed in the mucosa Were sutured appropriately with 5-0 vicyrl to Form the lip tubercle and the mucosa was Repaired. The prolabium flap that was Elavated at begining of the operation was Sutured to the base of the columella to allow For the elongation of the columella. Lateral Skin flaps were primarly sutured in the midline With 6-0 biosyn. Rifampicin was applied to the Suture lines and suture lines was closed with Sterile dressing. Then, the patient was followed up İnpatient for 4 days, suture line was cleaned With saline daily and the dressing was Renewed by applying rifampicin. The dressing On the suture line was left open at discharge And the patient’s skin sutures were removed On the 8th postoperative day. No Complications were observed in the Outpatient follow-ups. In the postoperative evaluation, the Results of the patient were satisfactory. Sufficient lenght was provided in the Columella and the flattened appearance of the Nose tip was eliminated. Vermillocutaneous line was created with Minimal scarring. The vertical scar line was Equidistant from the bilateral filtral columns. Cupid bow was formed as desired. İn the Evaluation the height of the left apex of the Cupid bow was minimally superior to the Contralateral apex

Discussion:Median clefts of the lip were defined By demyer as two separate groups, including Orbital hypotelorism and hypertelorism. 7 ın 1968, millard  defined median lip clefts as Clefts that cross the midline of the upper lip, Regardless of extent and size. Then he dividedİt into 2 classes; the first group includes Agenesis of the frontonasal process and the Second group is defined as the cleft of theMedian segments. Therefore, the second Group is associated with hypertelorism and Cranial malformations. In our case, corpus callosum agenesis Was detected in cranial imaging and Hypertelorism was present in examination. In That case, it is tought that our patient belong To the second group defined by millard. The Patient was screened for additional midline Defects by us in the preoperative periods. Due to the scarcity of median cleft lip Cases and resources on this subject, there is No definitive procedure for surgical Managment of upper lip clefts. Millard Recommended excision of inverted cleft lips in 1968. Then, in his work in 1977, he proposedAn inverted v-shaped excision from the 2mm Superior white roll on either side of the cleft. Thus, the skin in the midline of the cupid bow Was elongated. 8 nakamura, tomonari and Goto described wedge excision at the Wemillon border, but did not provide Sufficient information on excision or Manipulation of the orbicularis oris muscle. Many types of excision, such as elliptical Excision, have been published by many Authors. In our patient, excision was not Considered due to the short columella and Nasal tip flattening. It was sutured to the base Of the columella by elevating the prolabium as A fasciocutaneous flap, thus providing many Benefits such as elongation of the columella, Elimination of asymmetry in the nostrils, and Correction of nasal tip.  With the dissection And horizontal incision made to the orbicularis(photography 3, postoperative 1st day)(photography 4, postoperative 4th month) Oris muscle, tension-free repair of the muscle İn the midline was possible. By suturing the Skin in the midline without tension, and Performing z-plasty on the mucosa, both the Length of the mucosa was increased and the Lip tubercle was formed. In the patient, whoDid not have complications in the Postoperative period, mouth opening was Evaluated as compatible with her peers. In conclusion, median cleft lip is a very rare Congenital anomaly. Due to the low number ofCases and scarcity of resources in the Litarature, a common decision could not be Reached in the treatment process.therefore, a Lot of work is needed on this subject. We Would like to contribute to the literature by Publishing our own procedure.

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Dokuz eylül univercity hospital plasticReconstructive and resthetic surgery Departmant izmir/turkey

Prof.dr. Adnan menderes Dr. Fatih berk ateşşahin Dr. Hasan basri çağlı Dr. Safa eren atalmış Dr. Merve terzi Dr. Tahir babahan