Deu International Symposium Series on Graduate Researches2022, İzmir, Turkey, 17 - 18 November 2022
Detection of biomolecules is of great importance in many application areas, from health drugs, clinical medicine, food safety, environmental monitoring and homeland security to the detection and diagnosis of
diseases and the screening of new drug molecules. Therefore, developing reliable and affordable tools that provide direct, high sensitivity/selective and rapid analysis for biomolecule detection can help humanity live healthier and
safer lives. Generally, a biosensor consists of an active sensing element and a signal converter that generates an electrical, optical, thermal, or magnetic output signal. The sensing element selectively detects the analyte, while the
transducer converts a chemical reaction into a signal that can be used to measure the analyte concentration in a given test sample. Since the sensing element is directly responsible for the features such as long service life, repeatability,
high selectivity, real-time sensing expected from an ideal biosensor, the material and properties of the sensing element have become increasingly important in recent years. In particular, nano- sized carbon materials and unique
properties such as extraordinary electrical features and large surface area offered by nanocomposite structures based on these materials have made them indispensable transducer platforms for electrochemical biosensors. Therefore, in
this study, direct synthesis of nanocarbon and metal oxide structures on a dielectric surface was carried out via the chemical vapor deposition method and the morphological features of the obtained hybrid nanocomposite structures
were investigated by SEM characterizations. In the current-voltage measurement, it was determined that the sample with the smallest specific resistance value (0.7x10-5 ohm cm)the samples had the smallest size of 121±36 nm.